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【译文】Microsoft Access介绍之四:大事年表

时 间:2012-08-28 08:13:14
作 者:周芳 译   ID:24526  城市:上海
摘 要:1992年:微软在1992年11月13日发布了ACCESS 1.0版本,并于1993年5月发布提高了跟其他微软产品兼容性的ACCESS 1.1版本,并包括了BASIC语言。
正 文:

原作者:未知      翻译:周芳


    1992年:微软在1992年11月13日发布了ACCESS 1.0版本,并于1993年5月发布提高了跟其他微软产品兼容性的ACCESS 1.1版本,并包括了BASIC语言。


    1993年:微软规定了使用ACCESS v2.0的最低硬件要求:于系统Windows 3.0内,至少有4 MB大小的RAM需求,推荐 6 MB RAM;最小8MB硬盘空间的系统要求,14 MB 磁盘空间。产品附带7张1.44MB软碟储存。使用手册上显示了版权日期1993。


    最初,该软件制作的相对小的数据库运行良好,但测试表明,某些情况下会导致数据损坏。例如,证实了当文件大小超过10 MB会有问题(请注意,大多数硬盘当被充分使用时小于500 MB),入门手册就一些情况提出了警告,过时的设备驱动程序或不正确的配置会导致数据丢失。与逐步淘汰的Windows 95,Windows 98和ME相比,改善了网络可靠性,微软已为 Jet Database Engine推出了8个服务包、也改善了ACCESS 数据库的可靠性,它同时支持更多的数据和更大数量的用户。


   对于Office 95,Microsoft Access 7.0(又名“ACCESS 95”)成为Microsoft Office的一个组件,加入微软Excel、Word、和PowerPoint和从ACCESS Basic过渡到 Visual Basic 应用程序(VBA)。自那时以来,微软已经在每一个Microsoft Office里发布了新版本的Microsoft Access。这包括ACCESS 97(8.0版),ACCESS 2000(版本9.0),ACCESS 2002(10.0版),ACCESS 2003(版本11.5),ACCESS 2007(12.0版),和ACCESS 2010(版本14.0)。


    Microsoft Jet database engine 版本3.0和3.5(分别应用于 Access 7.0 和已经淘汰的Access 97)有一个至关重要的问题使这些版本的ACCESS不能在内存超过1 GB的电脑上使用。虽然微软修复了Jet3.5/已发布的ACCESS 97的这个问题,它却一直没有修复好Jet3.0 /ACCESS 95。


    原生的ACCESS数据库格式(Jet MDB数据库)也发展了多年。格式包括ACCESS 1.0,1.1,2.0,7.0,97、2000、2002、2007和2010。 最重要的转变是ACCESS 97到 Access 2000;实现了向上兼容。截至2011年所有新版本的ACCESS可以支持ACCESS 2000格式。这个新特性被添加到ACCESS 2000后,就可以支持ACCESS 2002、2003、2007和2010。

     MS ACCESS 2007引入了一个新的数据库格式:ACCDB。ACCDB支持复杂的数据类型(比如多值和附件字段。这些新的字段类型本质上是允许存储多个值在一个字段的字段和记录集。ACCESS 2010,一个新版本的ACCDB格式支持在一个SharePoint 2010服务器上托管从而来链接网络。


    在引入ACCESS之前,Borland(Paradox和dBase)和Fox(FoxPro)主导桌上数据库市场。Microsoft Access是Windows第一个面向大众市场的数据库程序。当微软在1992年收购了FoxPro,把Fox公司的的Rushmore 查询优化程序结合到了ACCESS里面,Microsoft Access迅速成为Windows最主要的数据库,并有效地消除了未能从MS-DOS(微软磁盘操作系统)转变的竞争。

     ACCESS最初的代号是 Cirrus;引擎形式被称为Ruby。这是在Visual Basic之前,比尔·盖茨看到原型并决定基本语言组成应该联合成熟的一个语言来作为一个单独的可扩展的应用程序,这个项目叫做Thunder。这两个项目是独立开发的。

    其实Access 也是微软公司另一个通讯程式的名字,想与 ProComm 以及其他类似程式来竞争。可是事后微软证实这是个失败计划,并且将它中止。数年后他们把名字重新命名于此数据库软件。



1992: Microsoft released Access version 1.0 on 13 November 1992, and an Access 1.1 release in May 1993 to improve compatibility with other Microsoft products and to include the Access Basic programming language.


1993: Microsoft specified the minimum hardware requirements for Access v2.0 as: Microsoft Windows v3.1 with 4 MB of RAM required, 6 MB RAM recommended; 8 MB of available hard disk space required, 14 MB hard disk space recommended. The product shipped on seven 1.44 MB diskettes. The manual shows a 1993 copyright date.


Originally, the software worked well with relatively small databases but testing showed that some circumstances caused data corruption. For example, file sizes over 10 MB proved problematic (note that most hard disks held less than 500 MB at the time this was in wide use), and the Getting Started manual warns about a number of circumstances where obsolete device drivers or incorrect configurations can cause data loss. With the phasing out of Windows 95, 98 and ME, improved network reliability, and Microsoft having released 8 service packs for the Jet Database Engine, the reliability of Access databases has improved[when?] and it supports both more data and a larger number of users.


With Office 95, Microsoft Access 7.0 (a.k.a. "Access 95") became part of the Microsoft Office Professional Suite, joining Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint and transitioning from Access Basic to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Since then, Microsoft has released new versions of Microsoft Access with each release of Microsoft Office. This includes Access 97 (version 8.0), Access 2000 (version 9.0), Access 2002 (version 10.0), Access 2003 (version 11.5), Access 2007 (version 12.0), and Access 2010 (version 14.0).

Versions 3.0 and 3.5 of Microsoft Jet database engine (used by Access 7.0 and the later-released Access 97 respectively) had a critical issue which made these versions of Access unusable on a computer with more than 1 GB of memory.While Microsoft fixed this problem for Jet 3.5/Access 97 post-release, it never fixed the issue with Jet 3.0/Access 95.


The native Access database format (the Jet MDB Database) has also evolved over the years. Formats include Access 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 7.0, 97, 2000, 2002, 2007, and 2010. The most significant transition was from the Access 97 to the Access 2000 format; which is not backward compatible with earlier versions of Access. As of 2011 all newer versions of Access support the Access 2000 format. New features were added to the Access 2002 format which can be used by Access 2002, 2003, 2007, and 2010.

MS Access 2007 introduced a new database format: ACCDB. ACCDB supports complex data types such as multivalue and attachment fields. These new field types are essentially recordsets in fields and allow the storage of multiple values in one field. With Access 2010, a new version of the ACCDB format supports hosting on a SharePoint 2010 server for exposure to the web.


Prior to the introduction of Access, Borland (with Paradox and dBase) and Fox (with FoxPro) dominated the desktop database market. Microsoft Access was the first mass-market database program for Windows. With Microsoft's purchase of FoxPro in 1992 and the incorporation of Fox's Rushmore query optimization routines into Access, Microsoft Access quickly became the dominant database for Windows - effectively eliminating the competition which failed to transition from the MS-DOS world.

Access's initial codename was Cirrus; the forms engine was called Ruby. This was before Visual Basic - Bill Gates saw the prototypes and decided that the BASIC language component should be co-developed as a separate expandable application, a project called Thunder. The two projects were developed separately.

Access was also the name of a communications program from Microsoft, meant to compete with ProComm and other programs. This proved a failure and was dropped.Years later, Microsoft reused the name for its database software.

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