时 间:2008-01-17 00:26:07
作 者:微软 ID:8 城市:上海 QQ:2851379730
摘 要:其他数据库中所有对象导入到当前数据库
正 文:
要其他数据库中所有对象导入到当前数据库, 请按照下列步骤操作:
1. 启动 Access, 并打开其中想要导入对象数据库。这可能是一个空数据库。
2. 在数据库窗口, 模块 , 单击, 然后单击 新建 。
3. 在 工具 菜单上, 单击 引用 。 确保 Microsoft DAO 3.6 对象库 , 或以后的引用列表中选中。 还要确保未选中任何引用到 MicrosoftActiveX 数据对象。 单击 确定 。
4. 键入或粘贴以下代码模块窗口中:
Public Function ImportDb(strPath As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim db As Database 'Database to import
Dim td As TableDef 'Tabledefs in db
Dim strTDef As String 'Name of table or query to import
Dim qd As QueryDef 'Querydefs in db
Dim doc As Document 'Documents in db
Dim strCntName As String 'Document container name
Dim x As Integer 'For looping
Dim cntContainer As Container 'Containers in db
Dim strDocName As String 'Name of document
Dim intConst As Integer
Dim cdb As Database 'Current Database
Dim rel As Relation 'Relation to copy
Dim nrel As Relation 'Relation to create
Dim strRName As String 'Copied relation's name
Dim strTName As String 'Relation Table name
Dim strFTName As String 'Relation Foreign Table name
Dim varAtt As Variant 'Attributes of relation
Dim fld As Field 'Field(s) in relation to copy
Dim strFName As String 'Name of field to append
Dim strFFName As String 'Foreign name of field to append
'Open database which contains objects to import.
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strPath, True)
'Import tables from specified Access database.
For Each td In db.TableDefs
strTDef = td.Name
If Left(strTDef, 4) <> "MSys" Then
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", strPath, acTable, _
strTDef, strTDef, False
End If
'Import queries.
For Each qd In db.QueryDefs
strTDef = qd.Name
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", strPath, acQuery, _
strTDef, strTDef, False
'Copy relationships to current database.
Set cdb = CurrentDb
For Each rel In db.Relations
With rel
'Get properties of relation to copy.
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