时 间:2012-06-04 09:46:13
作 者:周芳 ID:24526 城市:上海
摘 要:当你的用户输入一个组合框你可以使用连续过滤或拆分窗体来完成。根据用户的输入,窗体过滤器将更新以显示完整的或部分的来匹配输入的值。
正 文:
原作者:Emily Warn 翻译:周芳
这个示例使用一个略微的修改版Northwind 2007模板,微软上可供下载。“Customer List”窗体是一个拆分窗体,显示一个目录中的所有客户。我们想让用户过滤该列表来轻松地找到客户,即使不知道完整的客户名称。
Private Sub cboFilter_Change()
' 如果组合框被清空,那就清空窗体的过滤器
If Nz(Me.cboFilter.Text) = "" Then
Me.Form.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
' 如果是查找到一条组合框项,那就显示一个精确的匹配。
' 如果这个值是在列表里,就使用ListIndex属性进行检索。
ElseIf Me.cboFilter.ListIndex <> -1 Then
Me.Form.Filter = "[Company] = '" & _
Replace(Me.cboFilter.Text, "'", "''") & "'"
Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Form.Filter = "[Company] Like '*" & _
Replace(Me.cboFilter.Text, "'", "''") & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
Me.cboFilter.SelStart = Len(Me.cboFilter.Text)
End Sub
【原文】Using a Combo Box to search as you type
Here's a neat trick that you can use to filter a Continuous or Split form while your users are typing in a Combo Box. As the user types, the form filter updates to display full or partial matches for the value entered.
This example uses a slightly modified version of the Northwind 2007 Template, available for download from Microsoft. The "Customer List" form is a Split form that displays a list of all customers. We want to allow users to filter this list to easily find a customer, even without knowing the full customer name.
To do this, we add a Combo Box named cboFilter, with the following notable properties:
Here's what our form looks like:
Then in the Change event of the Combo Box, we add the following code:
Private Sub cboFilter_Change()
' If the combo box is cleared, clear the form filter.
If Nz(Me.cboFilter.Text) = "" Then
Me.Form.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
' If a combo box item is selected, filter for an exact match.
' Use the ListIndex property to check if the value is an item in the list.
ElseIf Me.cboFilter.ListIndex <> -1 Then
Me.Form.Filter = "[Company] = '" & _
Replace(Me.cboFilter.Text, "'", "''") & "'"
Me.FilterOn = True
' If a partial value is typed, filter for a partial company name match.
Me.Form.Filter = "[Company] Like '*" & _
Replace(Me.cboFilter.Text, "'", "''") & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
' Move the cursor to the end of the combo box.
Me.cboFilter.SelStart = Len(Me.cboFilter.Text)
End Sub
Now as the user types, the customer list automatically updates. If the user types an exact match, the list is filtered for an exact match. If the user types a partial match, the list is filtered for any company whose name contains the string. If the user clears the combo box, the filter is cleared.
Note that this same thing can be done with a text box, but using a combo box adds the extra perk of making all values available in the drop down.
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