时 间:2020-08-25 09:25:21
作 者:金宇 ID:43 城市:江阴
摘 要:通过循环读取Excel每行单元格内的数据导入到Access的表中。
正 文:
Private Sub btnImport_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler: Dim strSQL As String Dim rst As Object Dim cnn As Object Dim rstXL As Object Dim objExcel As Object Dim objBook As Object Dim objSheet As Object Dim lngI As Long If IsNull(Me.strFilePath) Then MsgBox "请先选择文件!", vbInformation, "提示" Me.strFilePath.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If IsNull(Me.strSheetName) Then MsgBox "请先选择Excel工作表!", vbInformation, "提示" Me.strSheetName.SetFocus Exit Sub End If '打开Access记录集 Set rst = CreateObject("adodb.recordset") rst.Open "select * from tb_Parts where 1=2", CurrentProject.Connection, 1, 3 '打开Excel Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(Me.strFilePath) Set objSheet = objBook.WorkSheets("" & Me.strSheetName & "") objSheet.Select With objSheet For lngI = 2 To 65536 '循环行记录 If .Cells(lngI, 1) = "" Then Exit For rst.AddNew rst![Part No] = .Cells(lngI, 1) rst![Part Name] = .Cells(lngI, 2) rst![Category] = .Cells(lngI, 3) rst![Part Type] = .Cells(lngI, 4) rst![Unit Cost] = .Cells(lngI, 5) rst![Cons Cost] = .Cells(lngI, 6) rst.Update Next End With rst.Close MsgBox "Import Success!" DoCmd.OpenTable "tb_Parts" Exithere: DoCmd.Hourglass False If Not objBook Is Nothing Then objBook.Saved = True If Not objExcel Is Nothing Then objExcel.Quit Set objSheet = Nothing Set objBook = Nothing Set objExcel = Nothing Set rst = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "提示" Resume Exithere End Sub
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