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时 间:2017-10-30 07:16:26
作 者:litao   ID:37995  城市:上海
摘 要:模块是否有相应的资源(常量、过程、函数)
正 文:




Public Function ScanModuleSub(Sub_Name As String, Module As Module, Optional IsFunction As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    ScanModuleSub = False
    On Error GoTo err1
    Dim SubName As String, SubTxt As String
    SubName = "ScanModuleSub"
    SubTxt = "检查模块中,是否有相应的公共Sub/Function"
    Sub_Name = Trim(Sub_Name)
    If Module Is Nothing or Sub_Name = "" Then GoTo err1
    Dim i As Long, Code As String, Ftxt As String, Ftxt2 As String
    Dim sz() As String
    If IsFunction Then
        Ftxt = "Public Function " & Sub_Name & "("
        Ftxt = "Public Sub " & Sub_Name & "("
    End If
    Ftxt = UCase(Ftxt)
    Ftxt2 = Replace(Ftxt, "PUBLIC ", "") '无关键词 Public
    For i = 1 To Module.CountOfLines '逐行读取
        Code = Module.Lines(i, 1)
        'Debug.Print i & "# " & Code
        Code = Trim(Code)
        If Code = "" or Left(Code, 1) = "'" Then GoTo Next1 '跳过注释语句
        sz = Split(Code, "'")
        Code = Trim(sz(0)) '剔除 注释
        Code = UCase(Left(Code, Len(Ftxt)))
        If Code = Ftxt or Left(Code, Len(Ftxt2)) = Ftxt2 Then
            ScanModuleSub = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Exit Function
    Call ErrMsBox(SubName, SubTxt & " 失败!")
End Function

Public Function PublicSubDic(Module As Module) As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set PublicSubDic = Nothing
    On Error GoTo err1
    Dim SubName As String, SubTxt As String
    SubName = "PublicSubDic"
    SubTxt = "提取模块中所有公共Sub/Function词典"
    If Module Is Nothing Then GoTo err1
    Dim Dic As New Scripting.Dictionary
    Dic.CompareMode = 1 'TextCompare 文本比较 不区分大小写
    Dim i As Long, Code As String, Txt0 As String, Txt1 As String
    Dim RowTxt As String, Name As String, ParamS As String, Retun As String, Typ As String
    Dim sz() As String, sz1() As String
    For i = 1 To Module.CountOfLines '逐行读取
        Code = Module.Lines(i, 1)
        'Debug.Print i & "# " & Code
        Code = Trim(Code)
        If Code = "" or Left(Code, 1) = "'" Then GoTo Next1 '跳过 注释行
        sz = Split(Code, "'")
        RowTxt = Trim(sz(0)) '剔除注释,获取有效行字符
        sz1 = Split(RowTxt, "(")
        Txt0 = Trim(sz1(0)) '名称部分
        If InStr(Txt0, "Sub ") > 0 Then
            sz = Split(Txt0, "Sub ")
            Typ = "Sub" '类型
        ElseIf InStr(Txt0, "Function ") > 0 Then
            sz = Split(Txt0, "Function ")
            Typ = "Function" '类型
            GoTo Next1 '跳过 没有Sub/Function的语句
        End If
        Txt1 = Trim(sz(0)) '访问限制
        Name = Trim(sz(1)) '名称
        If InStr(Txt1, "Private") > 0 Then GoTo Next1 '跳过 私有
        If UBound(sz1) >= 1 Then  '参数部分
            sz = Split(sz1(1), ")")
            ParamS = Trim(sz(0)) '参数串
            If UBound(sz) >= 1 Then '返回部分
                Retun = Replace(sz(1), "As", "")
                Retun = Trim(Retun)
                Retun = ""
            End If
            ParamS = ""
            Retun = ""
        End If
        Dim dc As New Scripting.Dictionary
        dc("Name") = Name '名称
        dc("RowTxt") = RowTxt '行字符
        dc("Type") = Typ '类型
        dc("ParamS") = ParamS '参数串
        dc("Return") = Retun '返回
        Set Dic(Name) = dc
    Set PublicSubDic = Dic
    Exit Function
    Call ErrMsBox(SubName, SubTxt & " 失败!")
End Function

Public Function GetConst(Module As Module, ConstName As String) As String
    GetConst = ""
    On Error GoTo err1
    Dim SubName As String, SubTxt As String
    SubName = "GetConst"
    SubTxt = "从模块中读取指定常量值"
    If Module Is Nothing Then GoTo err1
    Dim Txt1 As String, Txt2 As String
    Txt1 = "MeTab = "
    Txt2 = "Const MeTab "
    Dim i As Long, Code As String, UCode As String
    Dim sz() As String
    For i = 1 To Module.CountOfLines '逐行读取
        Code = Module.Lines(i, 1)
        'Debug.Print i & "# " & Code
        Code = Trim(Code)
        If Code = "" or Left(Code, 1) = "'" Then GoTo Next1 '跳过 注释语句
        sz = Split(Code, "'")
        Code = Trim(sz(0)) '剔除 注释
        If Code = "" Then GoTo Next1  '跳过 空语句
        If InStr(1, Code, "=") <= 0 Then GoTo Next1  '跳过 非赋值语句
        If InStr(1, Code, Txt1, 1) > 0 Then '忽略大小写
        ElseIf InStr(1, Code, Txt2, 1) > 0 Then '忽略大小写
            sz = Split(Code, ",")
            Code = Trim(sz(0)) '第一个Const
            GoTo Next1
        End If
        sz = Split(Code, "=")
        Code = Trim(sz(1)) '等号右侧 字符串
        If InStr(1, Code, """") <= 0 Then GoTo Next1  '跳过 非"XX"语句
        sz = Split(Code, """")
        Code = Trim(sz(1)) '引号内 字符串
        If Code <> "" Then '返回
            GetConst = Code
            Exit Function
        End If
    Exit Function
    Call ErrMsBox(SubName, SubTxt & " 失败!")
End Function

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