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时 间:2007-11-14 13:58:18
作 者:update整理   ID:113  城市:东莞
摘 要:取汉字首字母的函数,使用时把以上代码放到模块内,就可以在任意窗体内调用函数GetPyEx(这里放要取拼音首字母的汉字),返回需要的拼音首字母

正 文:

Private Function GetPy(ByVal strSwitch As String) As String
    Dim strTemp As String
    If Asc(strSwitch) < 0 Then
        strTemp = Left(strSwitch, 1)
        If Asc(strTemp) < Asc("啊") Then
            GetPy = strSwitch
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("啊") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("芭") Then
            GetPy = "A"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("芭") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("擦") Then
            GetPy = "B"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("擦") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("搭") Then
            GetPy = "C"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("搭") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("蛾") Then
            GetPy = "D"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("蛾") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("发") Then
            GetPy = "E"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("发") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("噶") Then
            GetPy = "F"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("噶") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("哈") Then
            GetPy = "G"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("哈") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("击") Then
            GetPy = "H"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Asc(strTemp) >= Asc("击") And Asc(strTemp) < Asc("喀") Then
            GetPy = "J"
            Exit Function
        End If

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